Saturday, 7 January 2012

Problems with filming and locations.

A number of changes had to be made to our opening sequence during the filming process. We had to do this because of numerous problems that arose.
The first of our problems that we encountered was the location we chose this became unavailable to us after we had permission to use this location this was at Westwood College in underground cellars. When we arrived to film in this location we were told that we couldn’t use it because of the lack of staff on the grounds. After we were told this we realised that we needed to rethink our location for filming. In the end we decided to film at St. Edwards's Church in Leek, as we thought that this would give the nearest possible substitute to what we had in mind as a suitable location, but as a result in this location change the plot of our opening sequence had to be changed to fit the location, although this wasn't a huge change it cost us filming time due to the complications from changing locations.
We changed the plot only slightly so that it made sense to the location, instead of having a neurologist as the antagonist we had a priest. But in our original plot the neurologist wanted to mentally torture people for his own reasons, whereas the priest in this sequence wants to inflict the same torture but because of a neurotic obsession with the supernatural. This neurotic obsession made our title of neurosis still usable. Our priest is obsessed with the devil and the idea that his victims were somehow connected with the devil and that he caused them to sin, so the in the priests head he thought that what he was doing was right in the eyes of God and felt that he was helping.
In our opening sequence we didn’t want to give to much of the plot away but we felt that not giving anything away would not give the full effect of a opening sequence so to show characters and hinting at the story line we had shadowed figures so the audience would react to something this will represent the corrupted victim which is followed by an establishing shot of the priest sitting alone in a church pew. We hope this will make the audience begin to realise there is a connection between the two characters. 
The problems we encountered which lead to us changing parts of the plot made our overall opening sequence more effective. In changing our plot we were able to include more conventions of the thriller genre some of these being dark lighting, and a church setting, in using these it became a more stereotypical genre than we originally planned.

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