Saturday, 7 January 2012

Final idea

The opening sequence has CCTV footage throughout it, taken from an old building. This will become clear by the use of editing, which will create the effect of old footage which will also be in black and white which will make that footage seem more like an old CCTV camera.
Within the CCTV footage images of people and objects within the narrative of the film will appear in-between the different CCTV footage, this will create confusion because at this point the audience do not know what the images mean or relate to. Throughout the sequence quotations will appear on the screen, which will relate to the narrative, these will be edited to look like they could be in Hitchcock’s work, the words being thrown around on the screen.
The change between the CCTV and the images will be done by the use of TV noise (distortion) this is because we won’t it to look like someone is looking at this footage. This will also suggest that both the CCTV footage and the others are somehow related weather that is in the past or the present. The quotes will be used throughout our sequence.
We have found that to get the greatest effect from the sound in our sequence, we are not going to use much at all. The sound used in the sequence will be mostly diegetic sound but there will be a non-diegetic sound track playing in the background towards the end of the sequence finally fading out to the end of the opening. White noise will also be used in the beginning of the sequence where the CCTV footage will be shown. The noise will hopefully break up periods of silence, shocking the audience, causing them to focus on the sequence.

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