Tuesday, 10 January 2012

conventions of our opening sequence

On a macro level, our opening sequence reflects the conventions of the thriller genre this is done through mise-en-scene, sound and the characters that are introduced. The conventions are shown through the type of lighting that is used. As the opening of the film will have dark lighting, there will also be long shots this will also show the conventions of the genre. This will create more tension and confuse the audience; the distortion that will be used will also shock the audience. Our opening sequence will not subvert the genre conventions and expectations because we feel that this would not get the meaning of the film across to the audience as would like it too. But we will have some aspects of the film that do not fit the conventions of a thriller because we feel that this will get our intended meaning across better. The aspects of the opening sequence that will not fit the general conventions are the quotations that will be used throughout the film, although they do not meet the general conventions there are some thriller films that do use quotations in their films.

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