Wednesday, 14 December 2011


The chair and rope will simply be used to hold down the victim, representing different methods of keeping the chosen victim in place throughout experimentation.

The photographs and photo frame will be used to create a sense of distrust, and also link the antagonist to the narrative to come. Some of the photographs we will have lining the walls will be of the antagonist's family and the families of victims we would later meet.

The camera will be used simply as a lighting device. When the antagonist takes a photograph of his victim (to place with the others lining the walls), this will light up the room for a split second, and the audience will catch a glimpse of the characters.

Setting and Location:

We have decided upon using two locations for our opening sequence. These will be the Westwood College Old Hall cellars, and the woodland area also surrounding the college.

We feel both these locations would provide the required atmosphere because they are both dark and claustrophobic, something we felt key to creating the tension conventionally found within the thriller genre.

Actors and Characters:

Only two characters will be shown in our opening sequence, though the audience will not see them in full light, par for a split second nearing the end of the sequence. These characters will be Eric Matheson, our antagonist and "Female Victim".

Eric Matheson will be played by Tom Woods.
We have chosen Tom for this role because he is broad shouldered and quite large in stature, which means he is most likely to produce an intimidating figure on camera. His shaved head will also take away from any possible attributes to the actor, and allow the audience to simply see the character he is portraying. He will have a pale foundation on, to lighten his skin tone and so create a grotesque, nightmarish appearance in the split second his face will be viable to the audience.

Female Victim will be played by Chloe Wain.

We have chosen to have Chloe in the role of the victim because of her height. She is fairly short, with a feminine build and long hair. Even in silhouette, this will allow the audience to denote this is a weaker, female character who is in a helpless position compared to the antagonist. Her make-up will consist of pale foundation and dark eye shadow, which will be smudged to create the impression of tears, and with that fear. The pale foundation will create a sickly, fear-ridden appearance and give the insinuation that the character is scared, and not well, mentally and physically.

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