Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Audience feedback

Once we had made the final edits on our opening sequence we showed it to people include some students in our class, these people gave us some audience feedback on our sequence.

From the feedback we found that it was our older audience members that enjoyed our sequence over the younger audience, they also understood the choices we had made but some of the younger, teenage audiences didn't see this as much.

Our sequence was originally made for an older audience but we still took the opinions of the younger audience into account.
These were the most popular praises: our sequence was described as "very artistic" and the audience "enjoyed the lighting choices" they also said that "the use of music was very effective and increased the tension (which) followed the conventions of a thriller genre." Although people did like these things about our film they did find criticisms some of them being "too much silence, bring the music in sooner as it is too silent". Some also mentioned that the narrative is too hard to figure out as not much has been given away, as we can see where they are coming from by saying this we felt that the lack of narrative at the start of the film was imperative for the film to have a greater effect, and we feel that the lack of narrative will make the audience to want to watch on and see what is happening. Due to this we decided to extend the opening to add some context to the sequence, due to technological problems this wasn't added to our final edit of the sequence.
We took all comments into account. We edited some of our sequence because the feedback highlighted some problems with the film that we had not noticed. We did bring in our soundtrack sooner and it gave the entire sequence a different feel and seemed to flow much better and also more narrative was given through the use of this music, as well as having a greater impact on the audience, as there was not a long silence.
We also changed the ending of the sequence to make it flow better and look more like a opening sequence rather than an trailer as we felt that the original ending gave this effect.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Because of the nature of our film we have isolated the mass film market as it is not a mainstream film, as ours is more artsy needs to have full concentration on the film as if you don’t you will not understand the plot. We understand that many people may not want to see this all the way through the film so because of this we have decided that brakes in the plot will give us a larger target audience, although we are still targeting a niche market of the media industry because we feel that the people who would watch the sub-genre of film that we have chosen is a niche market in its self so we have tried to continue this market type. But saying this we have also added some mainstream elements to stretch the target audience slightly so that more people will watch and understand the film.

Final Plot Of The Film

Our new film idea has developed from previous ideas, as a result of the complications that we came across while attempting to create the original ideas. As we feel that this new idea will not only be simpler to make but will also be easier to film.
We hope that because it is a simpler film the film will have more meaning and adhere to more of the conventions of a thriller genre.
Unlike most films that will have the start of the plot at the beginning with action or some form of dialogue weather it be in chronological order or not. The sequence will adhere to the conventions of the thriller genre while also creating a sense of suspense and confusion because the audience will not know how it relates to the plot. All of these things may not have any obvious connection by their symbolic meaning instantly informs the audience that the film will incorporate femininity, as well as the theme of life and death.