Thursday, 13 October 2011

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


For my preliminary task there will be four people in my group including me. In my group there is me, Matt, Chloe and Ashleigh. Within our group we have different roles; me and Matt will be using the camera and making sure that Chloe and Ashleigh know what they are doing as they are doing the acting in the scene. We will all be a part in the editing and putting together the sound and the task its self.
We have had a location selected to do this we have made sure that the room that we require is free and we have also asked for permission to be in the room, the location will be a inertia room which is a classroom. We have checked that the room is available and that we can use it. We will be filming and editing our film within the lessons and within the film we intend to involve some editing techniques such as shot/reverse/shot, match on action and 180 degree rule. Our task will involve someone walking through a door to meet another person, where they shall exchange a few lines or dialogue, this will then be edited and be under 30 seconds long.